Patented 3D technology is revolutionizing breast reconstruction.

Discover how Lattice Medical's patented 3D technology, Mattise, is revolutionizing breast reconstruction, making it more accessible, effective, and affordable for patients.


Lattice Medical Promising Innovations for Breast Reconstruction Patients by 3D Printing Technology

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Patented 3D Technology, Mattise.

Discover how Lattice Medical's patented 3D technology, Mattise, is revolutionizing breast reconstruction, making it more accessible, effective, and affordable for patients!

Lattice Medical Breast Implants


Revolutionize breast reconstruction with patented 3D technology, Mattise.

Efficient and Cost-Effective

Reduce costs with an efficient alternative to traditional methods.


Learn how to streamline production and research of innovative implants.

At €5000 per kg, the material is like gold. We needed to make both testing and production cost-effective.

Kevin Roux, Engineer (R&D and Production) Lattice Medical

Kevin Roux Lattice Medical - Tissue Deconstruction

Do more in your lab.

Are you looking for an innovative solution to accelerate your research efforts? Look no further than Lattice Medical's revolutionary 3D technology case study.

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